

Aides and staffers are reportedly leaking about Trump out of genuine alarm

Trump loses first legal round on travel ban, next steps announced | MSNBC

White House says it hasn't told agencies to stop tweeting "They Lie"

National Park Service Banned From Tweeting After Anti-Trump Retweets [Updated]

Nebraska lawmaker quits after unsavory Women's March retweet

Donald Trump gives Ronda Rousey a gift she treasures more than her UFC titles

Secret Service Agent called out over anti-Trump Facebook remarks

Trump's Spokesman: Intention is Never to Lie to Press

Sean Spicer's Dippin' Dots Tweets Put Press Secretary On The Spot : NPR

FACT CHECK: Trump overstates crowd size at inaugural

Jack Dorsey apologizes for Twitter glitch forcing some users to follow Trump's @POTUS

Protesters are blocking Uber headquarters because of its ties to Trump

WP reporter compares DC rioters to Boston Tea Party

Thousands expected for women's march Saturday

WH website: Melania Trump’s modeling and jewelry line

Former Mexican president throws Twitter shade at Trump
Former Mexican pres throws Twitter shade at

Five takeaways from Trump's inauguration

Trump lashes out at host of targets on Twitter, including his old TV show
Trump lashes out at host of targets on Twitter

Trump tweets praise of Putin for attack on Clinton
Trump tweets praise of Putin for attack on Clinton

Donald Trump settles fraud lawsuits relating to Trump University for $25m
Trump fraud lawsuits settles Trump University for $25m

Exiting FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler: 'I don't intend to go crawl under a rock'

Is Trump's Twitter account a national security threat?
Is Trump's Twitter account a national security threat?

Donald Trump learned a very important message today—do NOT pick a fight with Elizabeth Warren
Donald Trump learned a very important message today—do NOT pick a fight with Elizabeth Warren

Trump's Spokesman: Intention is Never to Lie to Press

The Young Turks The Gaurdian UK Fact Finder Reuters The Huffington Post
Politifact The Hill Democracy Now The Washington Post AL-Jazeera